Leavenworth: The Bavarian-themed village is one of our go-to escapes, and we love two RV camping options.

On Rainier’s wide range of hiking trails, you can choose an easy stroll or a challenging grinder - either way, you’ll get an unforgettable view. Rainier remains our favorite because, let’s face it, the mountain is simply amazing from every angle, whether you’re staying at White River on the east side or Cougar Rock on the west side. Mount Rainier: We’ve traveled across this nation and visited dozens of national parks.

You like to hike? The best island hike in Washington is at Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve. Whidbey Island: This long, skinny island is perfect for an RV trip, with one of Washington’s best state parks ( Deception Pass) and two beautiful historic towns, Coupeville and Langley, both offering excellent dining and shopping options. The best camping we’ve found along this scenic drive is at Klipchuck Campground, in Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, and at the national park campground in Newhalem. North Cascades National Park: Every year, we wait for State Route 20 (the North Cascades Highway) to open so we can explore this remote roadway. This spot is also where author Michael Pollan wrote about finding magic mushrooms in his bestseller, “How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence.” Now, that’s trippy! Score local oysters from Willapa Bay and salmon from the Columbia River.

The Discovery Trail is one of the state’s very best recreation paths, following in the footsteps of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Long Beach Peninsula: Cape Disappointment State Park is perched on the mouth of the Columbia River, with miles of trails and great camping. Farther south, we’ve also had lovely stays at Quileute Oceanside Resort near La Push and at Kalaloch Campground in Olympic National Park. Fantastic coastal hiking is nearby at Shi Shi Beach and at Cape Flattery. Olympic Peninsula: We have several favorite locations on this wild coastline. We loved staying at Hobuck Beach near Neah Bay, on the tip of the Olympic Peninsula last summer. Instead of talking about what we can't do during this unprecedented time, let's look ahead to when Washington's parks are open and our cities are welcoming visitors. We have many favorite spots in the Evergreen State for RV travel.